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Topics - Ironclad

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Support / Isometric Layering
« on: June 25, 2014, 09:30:32 pm »

I have a question about an issue I seem to be having with isometric layering. I have an isometric tile map with a ground layer for grass and an objects layer for trees / rocks. I want to have a sprite character (prefab) walk around, but for some reason, I'll get it so that the character can walk behind a tree but anything in the Y axis above the character on the same layer will overlap the character. I've tried putting the character on the objects layer, on it's own layer and off of the tile-map altogether, but as a prefab, I can't figure out how to get it to be both, behind objects below it on the map and in front of objects above it. Is it possible?

Thank you for your time.  :)

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