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Topics - Quells122

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Recently, I was able to become an approved developer for a console (not sure if NDA'ed). In order for my game to be console compatible, I had to update my Unity version from 4.6.0 to 5.0.1.

Sadly changing versions seems to cause me problems with the tilemap lighting. I've attached a picture to demonstrate what I mean:

The tilemaps use the shader "tk2d/LitBlendVertexColor".

Is this a known issue? Any idea on how to fix? Help is greatly appreciated!

Support / Need help binding a camera within the playing area's limits
« on: January 13, 2015, 03:14:42 am »
I'm using a tk2D camera, and I'm trying to bound the camera view within the game's map area. The game doesn't follow pixel perfect snapping rules and the tricky part is that the camera is allowed to zoom in and out.

I found this link online that recommends using a camera's orthographic size property. However, I noticed that a tk2D camera doesn't change its orthographic size property with the zoom level.
the link-> http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/501893/calculating-2d-camera-bounds.html

I'm wondering if the tk2D camera has some functions that lets me query the state of the camera's field of view since orthographic size seems unavailable.

On a side note, I noticed that orthographic size is set to 480. My game uses tiles that are 16x16 pixels. Is 480 orthographic size too big? Changing it doesn't seem to have any visible effect on the game...

Is there a way to expose the sorting layer and sorting number for tilemap layers so they can be changed via script?

I create my levels at runtime. Some levels have more layers of background tiles than foreground tiles and vice versa, so it would be really helpful if I could change a layer's orientation to BG or FG depending on where the need is.

Support / How to apply darkness to tilemaps via code?
« on: September 29, 2014, 03:35:59 am »
I'm using the tilemap class and constructing levels during run time since some levels are randomly generated. I've had success constructing the tilemaps using tilemap.SetTile(), and then using tilemap.Build().

However, now I'd like to have darkness in the scene and I'd like to have the tilemaps react to lights. It looks like tilemap has the functionality (according to this tutorial: http://2dtoolkit.com/docs/latest/tilemap/tutorial.html) but I am confused as to how this can be done via code. Help would be greatly appreciated!

I'm currently using TD2K for the tiling. I'm now at animating 2D sprites for characters and am wondering what are the pros and cons of using Unity 4.3's native animation system vs 2DTK's. Are there any major advantages one has over the other?

For sprites, big boss characters will be big and use a skeleton and rig. Other smaller characters will simply use a cut up sprite sheet and a box collider. Should the animation system I use change between these two situations?

I like to keep my tileset graphics simple so that I can compose them together during tilemap creation. So instead of having, say, three tiles for grass, building, and building + grass, I keep them separately as a building and grass tile, and if I need building + grass, I lay one above the other on separate layers like in the picture below.

This gives me more freedom and flexibility. In the example picture below, all three layers are in the background and should behave as one unit. Is it possible then to render this into one just layer, instead of three, to save on draw calls? I know 2DTK's tilemap has a SetTile function. Is it possible to call it without erasing the previous contents, so that I can effectively combine tiles together?

Picture example of what I'm trying to achieve:

Support / Questions about 2D toolkit from someone on the fence
« on: July 13, 2014, 08:54:15 am »
Hi guys,

I have some questions regarding 2DTK. I've been eyeing it for its tilemap functionality but would like to know if it can suit my purposes before jumping in.

1. Does 2DTK's tilemaps support rotating and flipping tiles? I ask because 2DTK supports importing TMX files, and TMX files support rotation/flipping.

2. Can the tilemaps be generated during run time or are they stored as prefabs?

3. Is it possible to modify the tilemaps during run-time, for example, if the player wanted to mine a tile or use a bomb?

4. Is the tilemap rendering efficient? Is each tile its own gameobject, or is everything rendered to one mesh?

Your help would be greatly appreciated!

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