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Topics - prokopst

Pages: [1]
As unikronsoftware suggested in "Tilemap draw order by y-axis" I "created" my own shader (it is basically "copy & paste and adapt" job with default shader to use alpha testing). Now I have different issue, images are not blended correctly. Ground part (z=0 + y offset) is blended into box with goods (z=-1 + y offset[1]) and then this one is blended with character (z=-1 + y offset[2]). I expect this is feature of pivot and shader thingy sorting in unity.

GIF for better illustration, notice character's legs during movement in north west (top left) direction:

(link to the image)

I'll try to limit partition size to 1 as described in the topic mentioned above (BTW actually the lowest possible value is 4 even if I specify 1, so I need to remove this limitation), but I guess it will hurt performance...

Does anyone have any idea to solve this issue without partitioning by y coordinate (i.e. by rows)?

[1] z offset is set to 1 for this layer in Tilemap settings, so I assume it's z=-1
[2] z coordinate is changing for character with some script component:
Code: [Select]
z = 0.01 * y - 1;

Support / Set anchor for all sprites in one collection
« on: September 26, 2014, 07:17:29 pm »
Does 2d toolkit have bulk change functionality to specify anchor for more than one sprite? I tried to select all sprites with shift and set anchor, but only one of them was modified. :(
I have many sprite sheets with characters running, swinging swords, etc. Anchors for these sprites are located at same relative position, x:16, y:64.

Pages: [1]