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Topics - andreasgan

Pages: [1]
I've converted the TileMapColliderBuilder2D to build polygoncollider2ds instead of edgecollider2ds, but now each collider now has an extra point. I understand that this was required for edge (to create the last "wall" and close the collider), but now that I have poly, they automatically create the last wall.

Does anyone know how I can fix this right off the bat?

I don't understand all of the TileMapColliderBuilder2D code, especially not the part with making "verts" and "indices," so any hints as to where to look / what to google so that I can figure it out myself works too.

I attached some example screenshots below.

Support / PolyNav with TileMap
« on: January 17, 2015, 02:53:28 pm »
Hey, I'm wondering how I can use polynav with 2d toolkit's TileMap

Polynav is a simple 2D pathfinding solution that uses polygon colliders/box colliders on obstacles.

I'm wondering how I can make my tiles obstacles with polynav.
Each "obstacle" object needs to have a BoxCollider2D or PolygonCollider2D, and a "PolyNavObstacle" script.

My tiles are all squared, and they are going to be changed/deleted ingame.
I was thinking I need to find the edges of all "islands" so to speak, and make seperate polygoncollider2ds from them.
Note: Using prefab tiles would create too many gameobjects.

How can I achieve this? It's been bugging me for a while and I can't figure it out.
I'm sorry if this was messy and hard to understand. I've never been good at explaining things :/
Any thoughts at all would be appreciated.
Thank you :)

EDIT: I'll be trying to modify the 2d toolkit code to use polygon colliders instead of edgecolliders. Not sure how yet, but I'll try.

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