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Topics - aridez

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Support / Trouble using scratchpad
« on: August 26, 2016, 07:13:17 pm »
Hi everyone!

I've recently started using the tilemap editor and I'm not sure if I'm making a correct use of the scratchpad. When creating the palette all the transparent parts of the spritesheet were kept so its a bit messy to paint, I thought that I could rearrange them using scratchpads.

Now I managed to copy the tiles in but I can't use them  by clicking (the only way I saw was with the eyedropper tool but it's a bit uncomfortable to do that with every single tile I wanted to select).

 Am I missing something or the scratchpad is just to copy/pase large groups of tiles?
Is there any way to rearrange the tiles inside the palette?

I've seen an answered post that suggested using the "tileMapEditorData" to rearrange tiles, tried that but didn't figure out how to and there are no instructions.


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