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Messages - bluelotus

Pages: 1 [2]
Support / Text in a sprite collection not aligning correctly?
« on: October 22, 2012, 11:24:13 am »
Hi guys,

Trying to get an xml based font exported from glyph designer into 2dtoolkit and running as a sprite collection.. .
It is visible but I had to scale it up by a factor of 100 - the dimensions of the text mesh objects match what the letters should look like but the texture is not aligned and it looks like abstract art.

Any ideas where I am going wrong with this?


Blue L.

Support / Re: Animation stuck on first frame - how to stop this??
« on: October 07, 2012, 03:47:44 am »
Right so the debug info looked correct -
I changed to clipId to remove possible naming issues.

   if ( Xdest > transform.position.x )
         if (anim.Playing == true && anim.clipId != 1)  {

                transform.Translate(new Vector3(1,0,0));

It still didn't work.
Back to Unity and it turns out my frames in the Tk 2d animation script were all set to a length of 1 frame. 
Not sure how this was reset prob due to Unity crashing with me not saving often enough.

Anyway it works with the frames set to a longer length like 3.
Bit of a noob mistake.  8)



Support / Animation stuck on first frame - how to stop this??
« on: October 06, 2012, 11:55:45 am »
Hi Guys,

Just got the 2dtoolkit and its good. :D

However, I am new to unity coding and am having trouble making the animation play correctly.

The following confuses me.
It says that the CurrentClip name is "walkRight" -
If this is true it should not re-trigger the animation -
But it seems to be re-triggering the animation every frame anyway?

I must be missing something, (perhaps to do with the delgate, which I have bypassed)
Any advice would be appreciated -

Here is the snippet,

Debug.Log( "current anim " + anim.CurrentClip.name);
      if (anim.CurrentClip.name != "walkRight")  {

And here is the full code -

   void Update ()
         Debug.Log( "PLaying" + anim.Playing);
      if ( Xdest > transform.position.x )
            Debug.Log( "current anim " + anim.CurrentClip.name);
         if (anim.CurrentClip.name != "walkRight")  {
         //anim.animationCompleteDelegate = null;
         transform.Translate(new Vector3(1,0,0));
         walkingRight = true;
      else if ( Xdest < transform.position.x)
         if (anim.CurrentClip.name != "walkLeft")  {
         //anim.animationCompleteDelegate = null;
         transform.Translate(new Vector3(-1,0,0));
         walkingLeft = true;
         Debug.Log( "current anim " + anim.CurrentClip.name);
         anim.animationCompleteDelegate = null;


Pages: 1 [2]