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Messages - rxmarcus

Pages: 1 [2]
Cool, just submitted a request for membership, ill download it from here once I'm accepted.

Version 2.1 final + hotfix 1

I ended up fully deleting my 2DTKROOT folder, and importing from the asset store again.  My project builds now, but gets a strange error "tk2d Undo/Redo callback failed. Undo/Redo not supported in this version of Unity".  Im running 4.3.4 btw.

I didn't move anything, and just confirmed that the file is in the same folder as 'tk2dBaseSprite.cs'.  They are all found under "TK2DROOT/tk2d/Code/Sprites/..."

hmm what is SetupForJS?  All my scripting that I do is in C# if that makes a difference.

Support / Updated 2DTK, getting 'tk2dEditorSpriteDataUnloader' error
« on: March 10, 2014, 04:42:49 pm »
I updated the 2DTK from the unity asset store into my project, now when running my project im getting  'The name 'tk2dEditorSpriteDataUnloader' does not exist in the current context.

It is a script error found in the 'tk2dSpriteCollectionData.cs' (564,17)

Any help on resolving this? Or should I just revert back to the old version?

Support / Re: Question about 2DToolkit with the 2DVLS Plugin
« on: March 10, 2014, 04:33:30 pm »
I don't know what is wrong, however I too just recently purchased 2DVLS, and I remember reading in some of the docmentation something about "Lights appearing behind sprites".  Have you read through all the documentation that it came with?

Support / Re: Getting camera's viewable width/height in Unity units
« on: January 04, 2014, 11:57:25 pm »
So if I use the "tk2dCamera.ScreenExtents", what would be the correct syntax to get this property?

Am attempting this currently: Rect rightPoint = thisCamera.ScreenExtents ("right");

Support / Getting camera's viewable width/height in Unity units
« on: January 04, 2014, 10:03:22 pm »
Hey guys,
I am making a multiplayer game similar to Smash Brothers.  My game has multiple players on the same screen at once, and I am trying to make the camera zoom in and out as players are close together or farther apart from each other.

I intend to simply gather the minimum and maximum X,Y values from each player so I can find the X and Y distances that the farthest out players are in the game, and then need to use that information to zoom my camera in or out.

For example, if player 1 is at x = 50 and player 2 is at x = 250, then my camera needs to zoom to a point that views around 200 unity units.  Does anyone have an idea of how I can determine how many unity units my tk2dCamera is viewing at any given time?

More likely than not I'm thinking about this in the wrong way, so any suggestions or ideas are welcome as well.  Thank You.

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