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Messages - Fohlin

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: tk2dTextMesh set font with script
« on: October 16, 2013, 10:57:54 am »
Thank you, it was the file format that was strange. I couldn't figure out how to change the encoding from within Monodevelop-Unity, and saw lots of people recommending Notepad++(win) or TextWrangler(mac) for this. So when I saved the .cs file as utf-16 from TextWrangler it worked. A bit strange that it didn't work in utf-8 format.

But it's working now atleast :)

EDIT: Saved as UTF-8, with BOM from Textwrangler also worked

Support / Re: tk2dTextMesh set font with script
« on: October 16, 2013, 10:29:35 am »
Hi again. I have a kind of related problem now with this textmesh and using characters like Å Ä Ö in it. When I type the characters into the textmesh from the Inspector in Unity they show up correctly in the textmesh, but not when using script: textmesh.text = "åäö"; textmesh.Commit();
How can I send this string to the textmesh the right way?. Thanks!

Support / Re: tk2dTextMesh set font with script
« on: July 25, 2013, 01:11:51 pm »
Yes I just solved it!
I put the custom FontData file that was created (automatically?) in Assets/Fonts/Resources so I could retrieve it, like this:
GameObject fontData = Resources.Load("TrollFontData") as GameObject;
textmesh.font = fontData.GetComponent<tk2dFontData>();

Thank you for the fast reply!

Support / tk2dTextMesh set font with script
« on: July 25, 2013, 12:47:32 pm »
I'm creating a new gameobject and attaching a tk2dTextMesh component to it, and I want to also set the font it should be using. I see that there is a font variabel I could set, but I couldn't figure out how to use it properly. I have created a custom font and want to use that. Can I get my font through the tk2dFontData in some way? I know there is a way to create a prefab and use that one, but I rather not : ) Thanks

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