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Messages - woodstock365

Pages: [1]
Support / Adding new tk2dCamera scale mode
« on: June 10, 2015, 01:00:36 pm »

I'm using the tk2dCamera in my scene but would like to extend it to add a custom Auto Scale setting which is basically halfway between Fit Visible and Fill - resulting in a similar world area visible regardless of aspect ratio.

I have modified the tk2dCamera C# class and added my new scale calculation in place of the None option to check that it works.

I guess I would need to create a new class which extends the tk2dCamera C# class and override the relevant function to add my new functionality (so it will hopefully survive tk2d updates) then assign this script to my camera in place of the default one.

Is there a way for me to add my new scale mode to the dropdown list in the camera settings?

Thanks for any help in advance.

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