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Messages - schragnasher

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Build() performance
« on: September 30, 2012, 11:50:15 pm »
Ok that seems to work...i don't understand WHY it works lol but it does. What is happening differently when i use the workaround that doesn't add to draw calls? When i started with 1,1,1 uniform scale each asteroid i scale with the transform would add to the draw calls. That is quite odd.

Support / Build() performance
« on: September 30, 2012, 04:48:18 pm »
Is Build() a large performance hog? We need to be able to scale our mesh collider when we scale a tk2dsprite and the only way to work it without adding new draw calls is with Build(), i just want to make sure this is a decent way of doing it. Scaling the transforms seems to add to my draw calls.

Support / Re: Massive number of draw calls for sprites from same atlas
« on: September 24, 2012, 04:42:16 am »
Disregard :) we had playmaker debug labels on...2 calls a label and 400 asteroids made Unity sad :)

Support / Massive number of draw calls for sprites from same atlas
« on: September 24, 2012, 01:22:55 am »
I am generating a fairly large number of asteroids for a game. All the asteroid images are in the same atlas, yet when rendering Unity reports a massive number of draw calls, if i disable all the asteroids it goes back to a reasonable level, so it seems than each asteroid is being rendered separately. Obviously this is an issue as i have 400 asteroids. Are there some things I can look for that i might have done incorrectly?

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