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Messages - slydog

Pages: [1]
Support / Access Sprite GameObject from a batch
« on: September 28, 2012, 09:41:07 pm »
Once I commit the batch, the sprite game objects disappear from the hierarchy (as designed I assume).
Since I want batching, how to I reference a specific sprite from another script?

Background:  I have a simple arrow sprite that represents the wind direction.  I have a WindManager that is a static class with a windSprite property, and I want to specify the wind sprite via a 'SetWindSprite()' method or something.

I'll do this via my GameManager, ideally through a public property I can set in the inspector.  I have it working now that I can drag my sprite into the GameManager script, and it works fine when I call 'SetWindSprite()' in my WindManager.  But with batching, I have nothing to drag?!  I hope this makes sense.

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