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Messages - digitalfront

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Support / Re: Background images and general best practices
« on: October 05, 2012, 08:22:24 pm »
Thanks for the answers. 

The link in #1 says "The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you." 

Is it correct?

EDIT: nevermind...I just requested access to the members forum

Support / Background images and general best practices
« on: October 05, 2012, 04:54:24 pm »
I purchased your product the other night and find it really impressive overall.  Great job!
We are building a card game (CCG) for the ipad and had a few questions:
1)  We have dozens of 1024x768 background images we need to use throughout the game.  Would we make a sprite collection for each background image?  Only one background image would be used at a time.
2)  If the background image is using a sprite atlas of 1024x1024, does that mean all the sprites in the scene are forced to use a openGL frame buffer of that size?  Or is it just a power of 2 frame buffer per sprite atlas (mixed sizes like, 128x128, 512x512, etc)?
3)  We are using a tk2dcamera with a resolution of 1024x768 for the ipad.  For the overrides sections we use that for any resolutions that need special processing?  Otherwise it will scale everything automatically?  (we plan to do some droid tablet releases too)
4)  We I first added the toolkit to my project I tried to move the root folder into a sub folder I had made and then everything seemed to get corrupted.  Does the default file structure have to be kept for the toolkit to work right?
5)  Lastly, our game is expected to have a few hundred card images (only a few animations though).  Is their any limitation to the number of sprite collections we can have in the project?

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