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Messages - tyrannosaur_jet

Pages: [1]
Support / Sequencing Sprite Animations
« on: November 28, 2012, 06:33:50 pm »
Is there a way to sequence sprite animations, in much the same way as you would sequence different tweens in HOTween? I'm coming from Cocos2D, where there's a way to define a sequence where a sprite would play animation A and wait for it to finish before playing animation B (or delaying, or calling a method, tweening, etc.) I mentioned HOTween because you've suggested it before for other sprite properties on this forum, and because it has that same sort of sequencing built in; if there's a way to get tk2d sprite animations integrated with that, that would be great.

Cool, thanks for the reply! I was afraid of that, but whatcha gonna do.

I'll definitely put it forth that this kind of thing is something I'd LOVE to see in future releases of 2D Toolkit. 2D CharacterControllers that are 100% compatible with all the colliders generated by tk2d Sprite Collections would be an incredible thing to have, and it's a niche that I definitely think needs filling. Hell, I'd even pay extra for an upgrade that added that.

Is that something you'd ever consider adding?

I've been messing around with Unity's 2D Gameplay Tutorial http://unity3d.com/support/resources/tutorials/2d-gameplay-tutorial, and one of the first things I noticed is that it seems like the capsule collider that comes with their character controller makes any other colliders stop colliding, including ones that I had set up for each sprite in the tk2d settings. I can't find any documentation from Unity that says as much, and I've even found a couple of threads online where people talk about making this kind of thing work, but no matter what I do, I can't seem to get it to work myself -- if I use a character controller, it seems like I'm limited to their capsule collider, and every collider I've set up in my sprite collections goes totally out the window.

This is even more obnoxious because I'm using Z depth to determine the draw order of my objects, which means that, if those objects use a capsule collider, they change their behaviors slightly the further away their Z is from each other.

Does anyone have any kind of insight on this? Any best practices for mixing tk2d stuff with character controllers, or just making tk2d stuff control like a classic platformed in some other way? I've been tearing my hair out over this. As always, any help would be hugely appreciated!

Support / Re: Layering Sprites
« on: November 16, 2012, 04:04:05 pm »
Awesome. Thanks so much!

Support / Layering Sprites
« on: November 15, 2012, 05:46:26 am »
I'm trying to implement a system where sprites can be placed on layers -- by which I mean traditional layers sorted by z-index, determining what order objects appear in front of each other, not layers in the Unity sense.

I've had success just changing the Z value on the Transform of every sprite, but eventually, things just stop colliding. It seems like any colliders on tk2dSprites are scripted so their Z size always changes to 0.2, and if I keep increasing the Z transform of things, they go out of range really quickly.

Is there a better method for handling this than just by setting the Z transform of sprites, like I'm doing? And is there a reason why tk2d sets the Z size of its colliders to 0.2? Assuming there's not a reason, is there a way to change that?

Thanks for reading!

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