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Messages - corndog16

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Collaborative use of the Tile Editor?
« on: January 15, 2013, 06:59:03 pm »
Initially he sent me the Scenes folder (with both scenes in it) and the Tilemap folder. When that didnt work he tried sending me the whole project folder (in an archive) but in both cases, when I tried to load the scenes he created, the maps he made were there as a whole image, but it seemed that none of the tile data was present. I was using tile Id's for checking for tile types that could not be passed by particular sprites and that was not working. I was also unable to edit the tilemap after he sent it.
I do not know about the Metadata you are asking about. Is there something we should try with that?

Support / Re: Collaborative use of the Tile Editor?
« on: January 15, 2013, 06:01:06 pm »
We tried sharing it through SVN and when that didnt work, through a skype file transfer. We are not really looking to keep things synced. We just want him to make the map and the send the scene to me.

Support / Collaborative use of the Tile Editor?
« on: January 15, 2013, 06:26:40 am »
So A friend of mine and I both purchased 2D Toolkit for use during Ludum Dare 25. He, as the artist, was going to build the level and then pass the data to me, the programer, for further integration into the game. However, we ran into some problems. It seems the data didnt import correctly or something after he sent it to me.

So my question is: How do we work it out so he can create a scene with tilemap data and then send it to me so I can still edit the map and have access to all the data.

Support / Dynamic Sprite Creation problem
« on: December 15, 2012, 09:26:54 pm »
I am attempting to cause an icon to appear above a characters head when the character is clicked.
To do this I am attempting to create a sprite dynamically. but I'm having some issues.

I have read this forum post: http://unikronsoftware.com/2dtoolkit/forum/index.php?topic=36.0
and I am attempting to use the following code:
Code: [Select]
tk2dSpriteCollectionData sc = Resources.Load("HeroCollection", typeof(tk2dSpriteCollectionData)) as tk2dSpriteCollectionData;
if (sc != null)
GameObject go = new GameObject();
tk2dSprite sprite = go.AddComponent<tk2dSprite>();
sprite.SwitchCollectionAndSprite(sc, 1);
sprite.scale = new Vector3(1300, 1300, 2);

The problem is that, while "HeroCollection" is the name of the sprite collection I wish to use, The tk2dSpriteCollectionData object is always null. I assume this is because the Resources.Load call fails.
What am I missing here?


Pages: [1]