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Messages - UniPixel

Pages: [1]
Thank you!

How can I do that?

My settings for the tk2camera are these:

In which part can I set up the camera to make it scale properly?

Thank you in advance!

How can I see my tilemap and sprites in the scene in their actual size?

Currently images are displayed like this :S.

Thanks in advance!

Support / Re: Black border in my tiles
« on: January 05, 2013, 06:26:46 am »
Thank you! Fixed now :).

Support / Black border in my tiles
« on: January 05, 2013, 04:31:18 am »
Hello, this is my first post here but I have heard that support here is awesome :): I'm a newbie at Unity, I started working with it recently and purchased today 2D toolkit. I would like to know why black borders appear in my tiles using the TileMap editor. Tiles are from an atlas, but I believe I have setted up the sizes and margins properly so it doesn't make sense to show this black border in all the tiles I draw.

Here is a pic:

Thank you in advance

Pages: [1]