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Messages - saygon

Pages: [1]
Support / Edit sprite collection that located in resource in editor
« on: March 03, 2013, 04:33:21 pm »
Hi all.

I want to load sprite in runtime from collection - I am loading sprite collection from resources folder.
But when I created new sprite collection in resources folder, I got this error: "sprite collection in resources directory. editor is disabled. Move it out of the resource directory to continue".

How I can fix it?

Support / Sprite.ForceBuild() errors perfomance.
« on: February 18, 2013, 11:33:20 pm »
Hi there.
I use serilazation from xml and want to create sprites in runtime. My strategy is follow:

1. Instantiate sprite from sprite prefab.
2. Select proper spriteid and collection (call SwitchCollectionAndSprite).
3. After this sprite images are changed, but collider are not created properly - collider is still from old sprite.
4. Call ForceBuild(). After this new collider will be created.

But step 4 occurs to "Invalid mesh collider on sprite, please remove and try again." error.
In this post: http://unikronsoftware.com/2dtoolkit/forum/index.php/topic,1131.msg5381.html#msg5381  I read that it's error in unity and it's not a fatal and it's resolved in short time.

But it's in editor mode - I create sprite in runtime, so perfomace is not clear for me - I have 90 errors in editor console for one level load (1 error for one sprite creation).
Can this lead to application crash? Should I wrap this in try-catch (but in this case I will have >90 call of catch block and it's very perfomance expensive).
Maybe exists some workaround for this stuff (Create sprites in runtime with different collider types)?
I see that  EditMode__CreateCollider() did not lead to exceptions or errors, but it annotated as call only in editor. Can I use it (with modification of course)?

Thanks in advance.

ForceBuild works in Editor but does not work on release build (win standalone) - collider from old sprite is still exist.
I modified EditMode__CreateCollider() method (remove #if Editor directives) and call it from script instead ForceBuild() - seems like issue fixed.
I will try this workaround on Android and let you know about results.

Support / Re: Spaces between sprites under different resolution.
« on: January 29, 2013, 09:39:22 pm »
Thank you guys.

Set pad method to Extends fixed this problem.

2d Toolkit is really cool thing!

Support / Re: Spaces between sprites under different resolution.
« on: January 29, 2013, 12:38:42 pm »
I think I found that I looked -
I read 2d toolkit user manual pdf and probably I should use unity editor vertex snap mode.

I will write about results.

Support / Spaces between sprites under different resolution.
« on: January 29, 2013, 11:45:26 am »
Hi guys.

I developing game on Android (some sort of constructor).
I have a row of the same sprites. I created sprites in unity editor and set the position  in such a way that between them there is no empty space.
But when I change resolution (to TegraTablet, HTC Wildfire, etc.), I can see the empty space (1-2 pixels) between some sprites.
When I move sprites to avoid this space, in some other resolutions I get empty space again.

I am using unity camera (non tk2dCamera). Camera ortho size - 5.
Sprite scales in collection editor 8X8X8.
2d toolkit version - 1.7.

How I can fix this?
Thanks in advance.

Support / Re: Commit sprites using StaticSpriteBatcher in runtime.
« on: January 29, 2013, 10:49:14 am »
Thank you very much!

This approach works perfectly.

Support / Commit sprites using StaticSpriteBatcher in runtime.
« on: January 21, 2013, 11:49:23 am »
I have idea of game, where level created from small cubes.
I want to use 2d toolkit for this:
So, I have a lot of sprites from one sprite collection and I want to commit a bach of these sprites created in runtime.
So, the steps are follows:
1. Create sprites in runtime (I found on this forum how do to it).
2. Commit all sprites that attahced to different game objects using StaticSpriteBatcher.

Can I do it (step 2), using 2d toolkit, because in reference I can not found StaticSpriteBatch class?

Pages: [1]