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Messages - khelegond

Pages: [1]
Support / Quick question about controllers and sprites
« on: April 10, 2013, 02:24:41 pm »
Hello there - two-part question, probably quick to you guys :)

1) I have my character sprites (that I successfully turned into an animation). Also have my tiles (for the map). However... what is the "proportion" between the images and the sprites? What I mean is, I got an image that is 138x138px, but when I turn it to a sprite it has a 4.000082 something of width. I don't want to keep playing with the scale to get it right... or is that what I should do?

2) Anyone knows any good character controller for a 2D plataforming-style game? I'm having a really hard time getting a controller to work right. I would love 2D-Toolkit to have a few example-projects :/

Thanks a lot for the (coming) answers ;)


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