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Messages - Dayman

Pages: [1]
Support / Tilemap sprite doesn't display when prefab is attached
« on: February 01, 2013, 01:54:11 am »
Hi, I'm having some trouble with the tilemap feature in 2D Toolkit. I've got a scene set up with a Tilemap that's working fine when it comes to just displaying the tiles, however I run into trouble whenever I try to use the Data tab in the editor to add a prefab to a tile. When I add a prefab (a collider and a simple script, so the game knows what sort of surface the character is running on) the sprite is visible in the editor, but disappears at runtime--so the prefab is created in the scene, but the tile is invisible because it's only a collider.

I can probably fix the behavior by adding the tile graphic to the prefab as a tk2dSprite component, but I wanted to make sure that this is intended behavior and that I'm not doing something wrong before I proceed.


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