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Messages - blueskined

Pages: [1]
Support / Sizing, Anchoring, Shaping Tilemap?
« on: February 14, 2013, 02:37:43 am »
I been playing around with tiledmap lately, some parts confusing me, I diged bit about these question in the forum, but couldn't find what I am after, or some posts I suspect is out of date. please check the image below:

I am testing this with some 32 * 32 square sprite, but automatically the time map's size become like this(the white outline), I figured it's 4096 by 4096, while my game view is only 960*640, so most of the tilednmap is out of the view.
what I am trying to do is, make the fish swim, horizontally, endlessly. the background should be a endless scroll view, the idea is, cache all the background sections( best 960* 640 size) into a queue, dynamically update the queue(peek, dequeue etc) based on the fish's position, so you can see, it's best the background's size is close to the view, easy for me to predict~ can be a little larger, but definatly not 4096!
my question is:
1: how to set the tilemap to custom size, regardless what is the texture's size?
2: how to make the tilemap's shape Rect instead of a square?
3: how can I anchor the tilemap, I wish the anchor point is left- middle.

or alternative way to achieve what I want?
sorry for the long post, appreciated for any help on that!

Support / Re: Edged Tilemap, select order?
« on: February 13, 2013, 01:48:04 pm »
Oh I figured it out
it should be the control key!
now it's working like charm!

the save & load is working nicely too!

Support / Re: Edged Tilemap, select order?
« on: February 13, 2013, 01:44:45 pm »
Thanks for your replay.
It might be some setting difference?
I am using mac, and when I click alt + click, the mouse icon turned into a eye, which is a scene navigator to rotate the view...
what should i do!?

Support / Edged Tilemap, select order?
« on: February 13, 2013, 12:57:16 pm »
got a question:
I am trying to paint a edged tile map.
I made 9 squres, each of them 32* 32 px.
everything I followed the tut, all working well besides the edged tilemap I paint is a mess! seems the order are messed up~
but the doc didn't mention the selection order I should follow, I tried different ways but so far I haven't been successfully painted a edged tile yet.
say if the 9 square texture are:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

so, what order I should select them to make this work?
thanks for any input.

Support / Re: Help on movement issue with different resolution
« on: February 10, 2013, 05:32:35 pm »
Ha, it's eventually running perfectly.
Thank you very much. ;D

Support / Re: Help on movement issue with different resolution
« on: February 10, 2013, 03:00:40 pm »
Hi again:
Most of the things are working, but there is still a bit issue with the height, here is what I got.

here you see: the sprite square is located at 0, 0, 0, where the down left corner, at 960*640 resolution.

but when I change to 1024*768, the 0,0,0 position is apparently offseted.

when I hit play, obviously the offset is remain, although I am trying to put the height to center of the screen, is actually the center + the offset value!
(I am using y_bot+y_top/2 to get the center height. Screen.Height/2 couldn't get right height either...)

please check it, thanks a lot.

Support / Re: Help on movement issue with different resolution
« on: February 10, 2013, 02:13:26 pm »
Hello There:
It's magically working now!
Thanks a lot.

Support / Re: portrait pixel perfect issue
« on: February 10, 2013, 01:27:34 pm »
got it ~ thanks! :)

Support / Help on movement issue with different resolution
« on: February 10, 2013, 07:05:41 am »
Hi while I am exploring the tk2dcamera, I met a problem that can't get across of.
I am working with a native resolution: 960 x 640, and a cube moving across the screen(left -> right ->left) yoyoly.
the position all based on the screen size dynamically, and a override resolution of wildcard.

it's working without any issue under 960 x 640, but when I change the resolution, and hit play, the cube is moving towards outside of the screen view! I tried 1024 x 768, or Iphone5, non of them seems working correctly.

I printed out the screen size, seems the size is captured correctly, can someone tell me how to solve this? I want the cube moving correctly under any resolution.
for the sake of clearness, I attached a demo project for you to exam. looking forward your feedback.

thank you very much.
(unity4.0 project and I can't use camera anchor in the current project, however, I tried the anchor anyway, and it's still not working... :o)
(btw, if you change the resolution while the game is playing, it seems working but the cube been squashed, if you stop playing, change the resolution, hit play again, it's not working, in reality when player install app in different devices, it should be the same as hit a fresh play right??)

Support / Re: portrait pixel perfect issue
« on: February 09, 2013, 06:52:57 pm »
Hi thanks for your quick response!
I dont want to mess with the 2k camera for now, caz I been look through all the demos, no one used 2k camera, I preffer start from more basic things.
I am just trying to setup by default camera with orth view.

can you give me some hints?
I am setting the orth to 10, and the the collection's orth setting is also 10, height is 960( supposed to be portrait ), and it's not correct.

Support / portrait pixel perfect issue
« on: February 09, 2013, 06:40:28 pm »
Hi there:

Just purchased 2DTK, trying to play around, and a question came up:
when I generate a sprite collection, I set the height of the target to 640- which means a landscape view with height 640, and the generated atlas is working without any issue, but when I need a portrait layout, the generated sprite turns out to be not correct!

I also try to generate with landscape, but as soon as I change the game view to portrait, the sprite got really blurry!
can someone point out where I did wrong? or is there any setting for this?

thank your for any suggestion.


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