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Messages - Seirie

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Using uiMask/depthmask for custom components/objects
« on: July 02, 2013, 05:35:09 pm »
Ahhh, you know what, the camera was far enough away but I believe in all my testing the volume of the mask was bleeding outside the edges of the camera's clipping planes. Wow, can't believe I managed to miss that for so long.

Thank you so much for your help! Appears to be working now :)

Support / Re: Using uiMask/depthmask for custom components/objects
« on: July 02, 2013, 12:19:24 am »
Hey, thanks for getting back! Unfortunately I still can't seem to shake the issue.

The camera in the scene is a pretty standard orthographic tk2d camera and I verified that the transparency sort mode is indeed ortho.

Putting the sprite "inside" the mask of the volume doesn't seem to have any better effect. I gave the depth mask a depth of 20 and positioned the sprite 10 units away from the position of the depth mask.

I've attached an image that shows what I'm dealing with.

Support / Using uiMask/depthmask for custom components/objects
« on: July 01, 2013, 07:32:48 pm »
Hey! So I'm trying to utilize the ui mask to create a sort of slot machine effect for a very ui-heavy game. I've been toying around with it for a little bit but I'm running into a problem where the masking effect is working in the editor but doesn't work in play mode.

I took the depthmask prefab from the prefab controls that come with tk2dUI and threw it in the scene. Tossed a test sprite in the scene, gave them both the same transform.position.z value and set the depth of the uimask to 1. Again, looks great in editor, no in play. Perhaps there is something I'm missing?

It's worth pointing out that I am not actually using anything else from tk2dUI in this project, I dont have a UI manager in my scene or any other UI components. I only want to borrow this masking technique because it seems really handy.

Any insight is appreciated.

Support / Re: non-blank outline on bitmap font?
« on: February 23, 2013, 06:07:29 pm »
Oh awesome. Works for me. Thanks!

Support / non-blank outline on bitmap font?
« on: February 23, 2013, 03:52:24 pm »
Hey fellas, maybe I'm just not seeing something, but there doesn't seem to be an intuitive way to make an outline for font any color other than black. At least, not using BMFont (Glyph Designer appears to offer the option if you're willing to part with the cash).

What's the most efficient way of accomplishing this? Thanks!

Support / Re: CharacterController in a top-down 2D game?
« on: February 10, 2013, 04:37:04 am »
Yeah, thats what I was afraid of, haha.

Thanks so much for taking the time to look into that unikron!

Support / CharacterController in a top-down 2D game?
« on: February 09, 2013, 07:52:45 pm »
Hey there! This isn't exactly a 2D Toolkit question, but I am using the polygon mesh colliders that the sprite collection tool generates.

In our game, we use hand-painted backgrounds for our levels instead of tiles. The walls/edges of our levels are often curvy, so we want to outline the background art with polygon mesh colliders and have a CharacterController attached to the main avatar so that it will slide nicely against the walls.

So far, this works perfectly on the x-axis. If you approach a diagonal wall horizontally the avatar will slide appropriately, but vertically, the avatar will stop dead in it's tracks. I'm not sure why this is the case.

Any advice or insight is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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