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Messages - Nicolinux

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: tk2dCamera not showing anything
« on: February 18, 2013, 11:21:32 pm »
Thanks for the clarification. I know about bottom left beeing the origin but I find it weird to position objects in the scene view that way. In code that's no problem.
The problem I described in my first post was after moving sprites in all directions. Maybe it was just a temporary problem. I did restart Unity (and my Mac) and now it works.
I didn't knew about anchors - so thanks for that.

Support / Re: tk2dCamera not showing anything
« on: February 18, 2013, 11:03:43 pm »
Ok, problem solved. I should have read the old camera tutorial. There it is stated that sprites should be placed at x:100, y:100.
Instead I have accessed the new documentation where this info is missing.

@unikronsoftware: Maybe you should add this very valuable piece of info to the new docs aswell.

By the way. I don't get the positioning of sprites. Why is a sprite with x:0 and y:0 centered on the tk2dcamera (scene view) but shows at bottom left in the game view? I would expect that a sprite that is centered there would also be centered in the game view. This offset would make it a pain to move sprites in the scene view.
I am still suspecting that there is something wrong...


Support / tk2dCamera not showing anything
« on: February 18, 2013, 10:18:56 pm »

I have the latest version of 2D Toolkit (1.9) as well as Unity (4.0.1). When I create a new project and delete the main camera, then add a 2k2dCamera and a sprite in front of it - it doesn't show anything. I know about the issue with the camera preview - that's not it. In the game view there is no object (regardless of the object type).

Did I overlook something obvious? This is a fresh project - I didn't change anything else.
I also tried it the other way around. Created a new project and set the Main Camera to orthographic. Then added a few objects. I can see them in the game view. But as soon as I add the tk2dCamera script to the Main Camera, the problem occurs.


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