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Messages - GreatBigJerk

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Instantiating tile map prefabs
« on: May 13, 2015, 05:48:33 pm »
Actually I'm using 4.6.2f1, maybe it was a change built for Unity 5 that was also implemented in 4?

Support / Re: Instantiating tile map prefabs
« on: May 07, 2015, 06:04:48 pm »
It's weird, the chunks WERE getting marked as static before, but after tinkering with them, they no longer are. Chances are that I must have done that while tinkering with things. I'm now able to move the prefabs around, and it's working quite nicely.

As for not committing changes, it's the only way that I can get prefabs containing tilemaps to actually have mesh data. I had to play around to figure out the proper steps to get it working right: To get it to work I drag the prefab I'm working with into a scene, commit the changes (this will add the mesh data and make the map visible), hit edit, and then apply the changes to the prefab. If I just commit the changes and apply to the prefab, my mesh data will be empty in the mesh filter and mesh collider when instantiating the prefab.

 I feel like I'm exploting some bug, which is a bit worrisome, but it's working so far...

Support / Re: Instantiating tile map prefabs
« on: May 05, 2015, 08:55:20 pm »
After looking at it further, it looks like if I don't commit my tile map changes, and leave it like that in the prefab, the mesh is kept. The chunk data is automatically made static though, so it can't be moved. Is there a way to prevent chunks from automatically being made static?

Support / Re: Instantiating tile map prefabs
« on: May 05, 2015, 06:54:31 pm »
I have the tile map and render data as separate children under a prefab. I can instantiate tilemaps if I set them to be static, but then I can't move them into position after instantiation(so having pooled instances isn't really working). Instantiating non-static prefabs containing tilemaps results in the meshfilter on chunks being empty and nothing getting rendered and no collisions on the mesh collider happening.

Any suggestions?

Support / Instantiating tile map prefabs
« on: April 28, 2015, 02:47:18 pm »
I was wondering if it was possible to instantiate prefabs containing tile maps and have them render after instantiation. Basically what I want to do is have a small set of pooled tilemaps that I can stick end to end on a scrolling level to create an infinite scrolling level. I've done similar things with other tile systems from the asset store, but when I try to instantiate a tile map, the mesh in the mesh filter of my chunks is missing.

Am I doing something wrong, or is it even possible at all?

One of the best things introduced with the Unity 2d system was the dopesheet animator, it lets you edit sprite animations right in the same spot as all other normal Unity animations take place. Is there a way to animate tk2d sprites using this? If not are there plans?

The main reason I'm asking is because we've been wanting to get our artists more involved with animating things in Unity, but using the animation tool with normal tk2d sprite animations is a bit unruly at the moment.

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