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Messages - echeg

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Perhaps two bugs
« on: May 06, 2013, 07:12:53 am »
3 bug that is almost like the first.

I create a Sprite Collection put Multiple Atlases and Max Size 2048 and Current Platform 4x
I'll get the
2 atlas 512*512 for platform x1, 
2 1024* 1024 for x2 and
2 2048 *2048 for x4

the expected behavior is probably like:
1 atlas 1024*1024 for platform x1, 
1 2048 * 2048 for x2 and
2 2048 *2048 for x4

Support / Perhaps two bugs
« on: May 06, 2013, 07:00:07 am »
v 1.92 final

i have 25 images(img1@x1 - img25@x1) and 3 platforms(x1 x2 x4)
in project:
img folder
--img1@x2 - img25@x2
--img1@x4 - img25@x4
-img1@x1 - img25@x1

first bug
I create a Sprite Collection put Multiple Atlases and Max Size 2048 and Current Platform 1x
I'll get the ONE atlas 1024*1024 for platform x1,  ONE 2048 * 2048 for x2 and ONE 4096*4096 for x4
That is, Platform x4 turned atlases larger than 2048

second bug
In SpriteAnimation Editor Autofill does not work if images in CurrentPlatform have "@1x"
-img1@x1 - img25@x1 - Autofill not work
-img1 - img25 - Autofill work

Support / Re: Platform Specific, Many Sprites and Spanned Sprite
« on: April 29, 2013, 04:33:32 pm »
320 480 - x1
640 960 - x2
1280 1920 -x4

I think all new android with 1080p (many) or Samsung Nexus 10 (resolution  2560x1600)

Support / Platform Specific, Many Sprites and Spanned Sprite
« on: April 29, 2013, 12:24:02 am »
I have character with ~200 sprites
Platform x1 all sprites are packed in a 1024x1024 atlas
Platform x2 all sprites are packed in a 2k*2k atlas
Platform x4 all sprites are packed in a 4k*4k atlas

In docs "Avoid platform specific atlases on spanned sprite collections at all costs. Its much cheaper and more reliable to do it yourself."

I've read that the 4k textures can not reproduce all of the devices. What to do in this case? Put a check mark in the "Multiple Atlases"?

Support / How change one Anim Lib to another
« on: April 01, 2013, 06:30:06 pm »
I have 2 monsters Red and Blue. For each monster made ​​separate atlas and sprite animation. (red_sprite_collection, red_sprite_animation and blue_sprite_collection, blue_sprite_animation)
Some game logic should change the color of the monster.
Is there a method that allows to change red_sprite_collection to blue_sprite_collection?

Pages: [1]