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Messages - zaccom

Pages: [1]
Here the general code from documents.

 using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class TutorialAnimController : MonoBehaviour

virtual public float x{get; protected set;}
   /// <summary>
   /// The y movement. 1.0f = up, -1.0f = down.
   /// </summary>
   virtual public float y{get; protected set;}
   /// <summary>
   /// Is the jump button being held down.
   /// </summary>
   virtual public bool jumpButtonHeld{get; protected set;}
   /// <summary>
   /// Was the jump button pressed this frame.
   /// </summary>
   virtual public bool jumpButtonDown{get; protected set;}   
   // Link to the animated sprite
   private tk2dAnimatedSprite anim;

   // State variable to see if the character is walking.
   private bool walking = false;

   // Use this for initialization
   void Start () {
      // This script must be attached to the sprite to work.
      anim = GetComponent<tk2dAnimatedSprite>();

   // This is called once the hit animation has compelted playing
   // It returns to playing whatever animation was active before hit
   // was playing.
   void WalkCompleteDelegate(tk2dAnimatedSprite sprite, int clipId) {
      if (walking) {
      else {

   // Update is called once per frame
   void Update () {
   //   jumpButtonHeld = false;
   //   jumpButtonDown = false;
      x = 0;
      y = 0;
      if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space)) {
         // Only play the clip if it is not already playing.
         // Calling play will restart the clip if it is already playing.
         if (!anim.IsPlaying("jump")) {

            // The delegate is used here to return to the previously
            // playing clip after the "hit" animation is done playing.
      //      anim.animationCompleteDelegate = HitCompleteDelegate;
      if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)) {
         if (!anim.IsPlaying("walk")) {
            // Walk is a looping animation
            // A looping animation never completes...
            // We dont have any reason for detecting when it completes
            anim.animationCompleteDelegate = null;
            walking = true;

   if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)) {
         if (!anim.IsPlaying("walk-l")) {
            // Walk is a looping animation
            // A looping animation never completes...

            // We dont have any reason for detecting when it completes
            anim.animationCompleteDelegate = null;
            walking = true;
      if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W)) {
         if (!anim.IsPlaying("idle")) {
         anim.animationCompleteDelegate = null;
         walking = false;

Pages: [1]