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Messages - kronar

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Help with mobile device resolutions
« on: April 12, 2013, 02:00:41 pm »
Thanks for your reply. Lets consider a different scenario. In my iPad2 project (768x1024) I placed a centered anchored tk2d sprite at 128, 128. In my Android project (720x1280) I would like the sprite to display at 120, 160 which is the original position scaled by the resolution difference factor. What would be the proper way to achieve this with tk2d? I tried your first two suggestions but neither one displays the sprite anywhere near the new position I would like on the device.   

Support / Help with mobile device resolutions
« on: April 11, 2013, 08:35:43 pm »
tk2D noob here. Say I work with a tk2d camera native resolution of 768x1024. I position a 32x32 pixel tk2d sprite (center anchored) at 0,0. I then animate that sprite by moving it to position 768,1024. This is all works great on an iPad 2. Now I would like to run the same project on an android device with a resolution of 720x1280. What do I need to do so that the animation plays and looks exactly the same as in the iPad 2? 

I tried implementing a camera override which has a width of 720, height of 1280, tried every 'Auto Scale' option and different 'Fit Modes' but none produced the effect I wanted. Do I need to manually scale the positions of my sprite every time I modify them?



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