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Messages - moghes

Pages: [1]
Thank you for your support!
I am really stuck in this and can't find any solution.

Our target is the Ipad.
I am working on a windows, copy project to a mac and build for IOS.
I am able to see the sprites from the first time when I run in the editor both on windows and mac.

I have a GUI.Label also displaying on the screen, it displays from the first load but the sprite do not.
I have 7 pages for a demo (Prove of Concept), and the first time I swipe to turn the 7 pages, I only see text (GUI.Label), and the second time I reach page2,3, ... I see sprites + text.

The several Sprites are stored in a prefab, which I instantiate on every page turn and destroy the previous.
I have an array of gameObjects, where I have stored my pages (each page a prefab) and a private GameObject for the current content.
like this:

currentPageGraphics = Instantiate(pageGraphics[pageNumber-1]  , new Vector3(0,0,1) , Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

Any help would be great,
I am ready to give any furthur detail if that clarifies the issue more..
Thank You Again


I am working on a story/book , where I have sprite animations.
several sprites are saved into prefabs, and each page is a prefab.
To change the pages, I instantiate the prefab(second page) and destroy the previous one.
As I run the game on the ipad, the first time I swipe to change the page, the page changes but the sprites do not show, the second time I come across the same page, the animations(sprites) appear.

I can't even figure out the reason or source of the bug, whether its unity realated or tk2d or IOS related.

I am using Unity pro 3.5.6, with tk2d 1.9.1 and testing on Ipad2 (IOS version 6.0.1).

THanks for any help

Pages: [1]