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Messages - Guybrush

Pages: [1]
Support / Retina resolution camera and backgrounds question
« on: April 10, 2013, 01:16:43 am »
Hi guys.

It's good to be here. I've developed commercial games before (as creative director of a large team) but I'm now just starting out as a solo developer using Unity and now of course The 2D Toolkit to develop iOS/OSX/PC games ...  which I'm very excited about.

Can anyone please provide some insight on setting up the correct 2DTK camera for the Retina (iPad) resolution and a guideline for the background elements?

Is it as simple as setting the camera size to 2048 or am I overlooking something fundamental?

If I have one large background element (e.g. 2048 x 1536) what's the best method for bringing this into Unity?

And a super ignorant question: Where actually is the 'Sprite collection editor'? For the life of me I can't see how I access it!

Cheers guys. I look forward to getting to know some folks around these parts.  :D

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