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Messages - Lortimus

Pages: [1]
Awesome, thanks!

Deleting a layer from a tilemap, using the red X icon under Tilemap > Settings > Layers, causes all prefabs (in other layers) to lose their saved instance data.  Is this a known issue?  Is there a way to work around this?

Support / Re: TileMap Prefabs
« on: September 29, 2013, 03:37:25 am »
Came here to report the same issue.  Using 2.2 final as well.

If you add or remove an item from the collection being used in the tilemap, then all of the instanced values are wiped.  You can add or remove items from the collection as long as the tilemap is in edit mode.

Thanks again

Thanks for the quick response.  Is this the correct relevant line in the 2.1 Beta notes?

"Tilemap editor - Instanced prefabs are saved. You can change properties on them and they will be remembered."

Hi.  I did some searching and didn't see this answered anywhere...

Say I'm using the Tilemap, and I have only one tile and associated prefab that I'm going to place several times on the Tilemap.  The assigned prefab for this tile has an associated script with a single integer value that I would like to be able to modify uniquely for each placed tile in the Tilemap editor.  How would I go about doing that?  Our current workaround is to create a different tile/prefab with everything identical except the integer value, but there has to be a better way as this defeats the purpose of having a prefab.  Am I missing something or is this not a current feature?


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