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Messages - melong

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Black edges around sprite appearing only on Nexus 4
« on: May 20, 2013, 11:09:23 am »

I tried to use the atlas texture with GUITexture as you suggested and did not have the edges.
We made a bit more tests on different devices and we found that every devices (all nexus 4) that had this problem had a modified version of android in some way, on another device with an original non modified version of android, the problem did not appear. We could only test on one device with an original version of android then i can't confirm but this may be kind of related.

Concerning the texture settings, mip maps has been desabled for every one and filtering is set to bilinear. The compression is set to automatic compressed which becomes 16bits texture in unity android.

Here is a photo of the problem.  I tried to get a screenshot directly on device but interestingly, the grabbed image did not have the problem...

Thanks for your help.

Support / Black edges around sprite appearing only on Nexus 4
« on: May 17, 2013, 05:59:00 pm »
Hi Guyz

I have some pretty much strange outline appearing on my sprites. At first i thought it was a classical wrong alpha/filtering problem but it only occurs on the google nexus 4, every other devices i checked don't have this problem.
Just to be sure i double checked my textures and made sure there is no black in the fully transparent areas.
Moreover i noticed this problem only appears with sprites using tk2d sprite sheets, i have other sprite sheet made with another 2d sprite plugin which don't have this problem.
Then i assume tk2d may be involved somehow in that strange behavior but can't happen to figure why.

Thanks for your help!

Pages: [1]