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Messages - napalm44

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Our per-object Motion Blur solution: use it if you want!
« on: September 01, 2013, 07:38:21 pm »
Yea, that is what I am doing as well:

1. I have one gameobject that I want to blur. It has a rigidbody, collider, sprite, and sprite animator attached to it. I attach the BlurMotionHandler to the object to it and leave settings as default.
2. I have a prefab of a similar sprite has the following components attached: http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff328/reeda1283/ScreenShot2013-09-01at110917AM.png. This is the prefab that s assigned to to the TrailMotionSPriteObject property of the gameobject mentioned in #1

I have even created a brand new simple scene to test this and it doesnt seem to work. The scene contains only a camera, a cube with a collider (which functions as the ground), and a gameobject with a sprite, rigidbody, collider and BlurHandler component attached. The gameobject bounces up and down repeatedly, and although I can see (in the heirarchy) the clones being created as children of the main gameobject, they are not visible at all.

ps Why does the script include this line: tmpVelocity.y = 0.0f; ? Doesn't that mean we will only ever blur along the x-axis?

Support / Re: Our per-object Motion Blur solution: use it if you want!
« on: September 01, 2013, 05:28:41 pm »
The sprite that I'm using in the TrailMotionSpriteObject variable is actually not animated, and that is the only sprite that matters right? I say this because don't see any references to the sprite component of the BlurMotionHandler object, aside from class variables that are assigned to but never used.

And yes, I have the FadeInTime script in my project.

Have you successfully gotten the script to work as is? I'm wondering if the version you posted is a bit dated (just looking at some of the commented out code, and class variables that are assigned to but never used)?

Support / Re: Our per-object Motion Blur solution: use it if you want!
« on: September 01, 2013, 02:22:38 am »
Alright, I just updated to beta 1 2.2, solely so I could use this script :)

Here is what I have done to set it up:

1. Attach the MotionBlurHandler to my player (I want to blur him).
2. Create a prefab of my player sprite with ONLY the stuff necessary to make him a proper sprite (no rigidbody or colliders).
3. Assign that prefab to the property on the MotionBlurHandler script.

WHen I run, this is what I see:

It looks like it is trying to display the entire spritesheet that the clone uses, and each of the clones stays directly overtop of the player (no visible offset). Note: all properties on the motionblurhandler are set to default.

Any idea what might be wrong?

Support / Re: Our per-object Motion Blur solution: use it if you want!
« on: August 31, 2013, 11:00:18 pm »
Would this work with 2.1 if I simply removed the renderlayer reference?

If so, could you explain how to set this up in more detail? I have tried and am getting no speed blur, just a bunch of clones on top of each other.


Pages: [1]