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Messages - Serhiy

Pages: [1]
Great thanks  :)

Yes, even after committing  :(

Tested several times - settings are not duplicated :(

Thanks for replay!

1) Change material name in sprite collection settings would be much easier (for me) than changing it manually in the Unity project window. On of my sprite collection have 2 platforms and 4 materials.

2) I can change it manually by selecting in the Unity project window and Unity  Inspector window. When I change material setting from sprite collection it changed only for one platform material =(

Unity 4.1.2f1, 2d Toolkit 1.92 final + path 1.

Support / Proposition: change material name in sprite collection
« on: May 26, 2013, 02:49:30 pm »

First of all thanks for 2D toolkit!

I have propositions for you: please add possibility to easy change  material name in sprite collection settings.


Just found possible bug : in sprite collection with different platforms when I want to change shader in material - it's changed material only for one platform =(

Sorry for my english =)

Pages: [1]