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Messages - Miyth

Pages: [1]
Hi there,

Recently I've been working on a new project using Tk2d and it's been really helpful for rapidly prototyping our game's look and feel, and the Tilemap editor has saved us a ton of time.

I'm trying to implement a basic A* Pathfinding system for the game (Using This one, if that helps any), but encountering problems with it.

It seems like every Grid-based Pathfinding solution I've come across uses the top of the Mesh to determine walkable and unwalkable areas- but the Mesh Colliders generated by the tilemap don't actually have tops.

Does anyone know of a better way to handle pathfinding with the tilemap system for a top-down game, or do I need to pick between using this pathfinding system and the tilemap? (I realize I could just go back through and add in my own colliders, but if I do that I may as well fall back on creating my own tile system.)

Pages: [1]