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Messages - netpro2k

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Playing tk2dAnimatedSprite when Time.timeScale = 0?
« on: June 22, 2013, 11:50:41 pm »
I think setting timescale to 0 when pausing the game is a fairly common technique. You often may want to have animated sprites as part of this paused UI which is where this comes into play.

I think it would probably be best to ad tk2dUISpriteAnimator rather than having this option show up on every sprite animator, as it is a somewhat special case. But I think it is a nice feature to have.

Support / Re: Playing tk2dAnimatedSprite when Time.timeScale = 0?
« on: June 22, 2013, 07:44:59 am »
Rather than duplicating the script, I just added a flag to tk2dSpriteAnimator like so:

Code: [Select]
/// <summary>
/// Interface option to make this animation ignore Time.timeScale
/// </summary>
public bool timescaleIndependant = false;

void LateUpdate()
UpdateAnimation(timescaleIndependant ? tk2dUITime.deltaTime : Time.deltaTime);

Code: [Select]
// Timescale Independant
bool newTimescaleIndependant = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Timescale Independant", sprite.timescaleIndependant);
if (newTimescaleIndependant != sprite.timescaleIndependant) {
Undo.RegisterUndo(targetAnimators, "Sprite Anim Timescale Independant");
foreach (tk2dSpriteAnimator animator in targetAnimators) {
animator.timescaleIndependant = newTimescaleIndependant;

alternatively you might just subclass tk2dSpriteAnimator as say tk2dUISpriteAnimator

Pages: [1]