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Messages - prjhal

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Support / tk2dUIScrollableArea OnScroll
« on: June 25, 2013, 10:28:54 am »

I purchased the new version of 2DToolkit and have installed the latest hot fix.

I have to say this plugin is brilliant, finding very easy to use but i have run into a problem using tk2dUIScrollableArea.

I've created the scrollable area and my content scrolls perfectly but i cannot get it to fire the HandleScroll event.

I've looked in the source code for the class and can't see where:

public event System.Action<tk2dUIScrollableArea> OnScroll;

is ever invoked.

Is this a known issue or am i doing something incorrectly.

Thanks in advance.

Phil Halston

 protected void CreateScrollableArea()
            scrollableArea = GetComponentInChildren(typeof(tk2dUIScrollableArea)) as tk2dUIScrollableArea;

            Debug("Scrollable Area" + scrollableArea);

            scrollableArea.OnScroll += HandleScroll;

            //Debug("Scrollable Area" + scrollableArea.OnScroll);

        protected void HandleScroll(tk2dUIScrollableArea obj)
        { // never gets called
            Debug("Handle Scroll" + obj);

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