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Messages - mrmons

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Error after my updating my unity and 2dtoolkit
« on: December 11, 2013, 06:30:41 am »
Ah.....Problem solve, I din't setup for js after update.

Thanks  :)

Support / Error after my updating my unity and 2dtoolkit
« on: December 10, 2013, 04:43:30 am »
It been a while I stop my project and now I continue it. I update my unity to latest version 4.3.1
and I got 1 error from 2dtoolkit which show some of the script not supported then I upgrade 2dtoolkit to latest version and this is what I get

Total of 36 error...How can I solve this?

Support / Re: Error after upgrading from unity 3 to unity 4
« on: June 12, 2013, 02:05:01 pm »
...I don't think I can fix it wouldn't need playmaker .., I have sent the script to info@unikronsoftware.com

Would appreciate if you can help to fix the error.

Thank you

Support / Re: Error after upgrading from unity 3 to unity 4
« on: June 12, 2013, 11:18:43 am »
 If playmaker 2DToolkit wasn't the latest version?

nothing I can do right now?

Support / Re: Error after upgrading from unity 3 to unity 4
« on: June 12, 2013, 10:37:07 am »
I get from playmaker>editor ?
it since like if any error occur, playmaker menu won't appear when I first upgrade to unity4, I commentize all the error only the menu will appear.

I done most of my thing by using playmaker editor include 2Dtoolkit stuff...

it since like all the error is related pixelperfect code in 2Dtoolkit

Support / Re: Error after upgrading from unity 3 to unity 4
« on: June 12, 2013, 09:51:07 am »
Aw...is from playmaker, ya I update both of it.
But this error still occur. So I should report this error to playmaker?
or in unity 4.0 2Dtoolkit no longer support playmaker?
or playmaker no longer support 2Dtoolkit.

I hope not.....that would really kill me....

Support / Error after upgrading from unity 3 to unity 4
« on: June 12, 2013, 06:41:46 am »
I get this 2 error after I upgrade my unity

Assets/PlayMaker/Actions/toolkit2d/Sprite/Tk2dSpriteGetPixelPerfect.cs(75,37): error CS1061: Type `tk2dBaseSprite' does not contain a definition for `pixelPerfect' and no extension method `pixelPerfect' of type `tk2dBaseSprite' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Assets/PlayMaker/Actions/toolkit2d/Sprite/Tk2dSpriteGetPixelPerfect.cs(77,63): error CS1061: Type `tk2dBaseSprite' does not contain a definition for `pixelPerfect' and no extension method `pixelPerfect' of type `tk2dBaseSprite' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

I have go to asset store and upgrade the 2Dtoolkit.
How can I solve this?

Pages: [1]