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Messages - edo

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Can't make UIItem events to fire my code
« on: October 23, 2014, 07:41:02 am »
Just got into the same problem. so i post the solution if it gonna help someone in the future...

void Awake()

instead of:
void Start()

Support / Android - Black sprites
« on: June 02, 2014, 04:52:26 pm »
We have some weird problam with some Android devices.
some of the sprites are black.
I've googled that issue. our Sprite collections are with max size of 2048X2048.
and if i check it on my Galaxy S2 for example everything is fine. but when a friend checks it he see's some of the sprites black.
but it seems to be random.

can it be memory or some other issue? or is it because of the settings i'm using?

Support / LoadResourceByName
« on: January 28, 2014, 11:15:03 am »
I'm trying to change Sprite Collection at Runtime using:

// init
tk2dSpriteCollectionData fruitCollection;

// start
fruitCollection = tk2dSystem.LoadResourceByName<tk2dSpriteCollectionData>("BananaSpriteCollection") as tk2dSpriteCollectionData;

// function
MyFruitsImage[z].SetSprite(fruitCollection, "Banana_Idle0001");

i've set the loadable asset.
i've build the index again.
i get no error or nothing on run time but it's not working.
any idea why?


Support / Re: Swich Library with Recourses.Load Problem
« on: July 20, 2013, 03:59:58 pm »
there is no reult, when it gets to the point where it should load the library, it just got stuck and i need to close unity from the system manager.

i'm sorry, but how do i send a repro case?

Support / Swich Library with Recourses.Load Problem
« on: July 20, 2013, 10:52:00 am »
i use Javascript with the 2.0 Api and i try to switch the animation collection (anim lib) with:

playerAnimation.Library = Resources.Load("Test", typeof(tk2dSpriteAnimation)) as tk2dSpriteAnimation;

but Unity got stuck everytime, no error in the Log.

playerAnimation called:
static var playerAnimation : tk2dSpriteAnimator;

and on Start function:
playerAnimation = GetComponent(tk2dSpriteAnimator);

and of course i've got animation collection called Test with clip called Test inside.

what am i doing wrong?


Pages: [1]