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Messages - Konstantin

Pages: [1]
Support / Bug in sprite collection editor (removing missing sprites)
« on: December 12, 2013, 02:31:16 pm »
1. Create a sprite collection with some sprites. I used multiatlas option with thousands of sprites.
2. Delete a sprite in Unity.
3. Delete the missing sprite in sprite collection editor.
4. Commit the sprite collection.

Sprite definition stays in the sprite collection prefabs with empty name. That has broken my automatic animation builder, so I have removed the unnamed sprites from the prefab using text editor and rebuilt the sprite collection once more.

PS Use text serialization for all assets to be able to edit your prefabs with text editors.

Support / Re: Dealing with thousands of images
« on: July 19, 2013, 10:48:17 am »
Works perfectly. Many thanks.

Support / Dealing with thousands of images
« on: July 13, 2013, 11:26:14 am »

My project uses thousands of images. These images are stored in Assets.
They are combined into SpriteCollections using tk2d editor and then used in SpriteAnimations.

Problem is, Unity3d can not deal with that many files. Asset server and editor get really slow. Worst of all build process crashes with OutOfMemory exception.

Possible solution is to get rid of all images in Assets except for SpriteCollection atlases. What is the recommended way?

I could delete all images from Assets after building the SpriteCollections. Does tk2d support this way?

I could use an external tool like TexturePacker, but there is no way to load it in editor and set up SpriteAnimation. Tiles are not an option, sprites must be trimmed and packed tight.

Pages: [1]