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Messages - axelucho

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: MeshColliders in RunTime
« on: September 21, 2013, 12:50:03 am »
Ohh I see, that explains a lot. Thanks!

Support / MeshColliders in RunTime
« on: September 20, 2013, 10:40:56 pm »
Hi, so I've noticed that sprites with polygon colliders don't update their mesh when setting a new sprite, but after searching around I found out this is intended as it's really expensive to create meshes in runtime which makes sense. My doubt really is the following:
* Why are meshes created in runtime instead of being created in the editor when setting up the sprite collection? If meshes were created outside of runtime I could simply assign them accordingly based on the new sprite.
* Would it be viable for me to: in editor mode, create the mesh files for all the sprites i'm interested in. Attach them all to the prefab containing the sprite collection. And when ever i set a new sprite i can set the according mesh.

 I'm not much of a programmer so I hope I'm making sense.

Support / Re: Sprite Collections proper practices
« on: August 15, 2013, 04:33:03 pm »
Thanks for the reply, for now i'll stick to using resources.load, i'll look into tk2dsystem when I get  a chance though.

Support / Sprite Collections proper practices
« on: August 14, 2013, 03:41:06 pm »
Hi, so i'm just getting into 2dtk, and I am actually migrating from another 2dtoolkit so i'm still figuring things out.
I was having doubts regarding collections. I currently need to change some sprites collections during runtime, but it seems 2dtk doesnt have any quick reference for me to access (at least i didnt find any). So i went ahead and made the collections i'm interested in loadable and in a public class of mine did the following:

tk2dSpriteCollectionData allSpriteCollections = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(tk2dSpriteCollectionData)) as tk2dSpriteCollectionData[];

But the results i'm obtaining are... confusing:

I'm obtaining LavaCollection (which is not even on the resources folder, and it NOT set to loadable) instead of FallingRockCollection. Any thoughts?

Regardless of my problem I would like to know if the way im sorting things out is ok, or if i should be doing things differently regarding this issue.

Thanks in advance!

Pages: [1]