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Messages - Bob_Shanky

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Help with animated sprite collision
« on: September 03, 2013, 03:43:50 am »
Here are two screenshots of the characters. Forgive the crude graphics, this is pre-alpha :P. The first picture shows both characters with their Character Controller outlines. The second picture shows the kick animation collider clearly intersecting the Character Controller of the second character. I removed the original extra child collider because I read that rigidbodies always register OnCollisionEnter which is why the OnCollide script has a call to OnCollisionEnter as well as OnControllerColliderHit.

Support / Re: Help with animated sprite collision
« on: September 02, 2013, 04:28:40 am »
Here is where I stand: two players with a Character Controller and a kinematic Ridigbody. Each player has a script called OnCollision which has one function call to OnControllerColliderHit(ContollerColliderHit) and one function call to OnCollisionEnter(Collision), each with it's own separate debug log message. When one of the players is moving and a collision occurs, it registers correctly. However I still cannot register any collisions when both characters are standing still and an attack animation connects with one of the characters.

Support / Re: Help with animated sprite collision
« on: August 28, 2013, 09:55:41 pm »
I made the object colliders kinematic but now collisions aren't registering at all. I'm fairly new to unity so I'm going to do some more research on colliders and animations.

Support / Re: Help with animated sprite collision
« on: August 27, 2013, 12:39:31 pm »
The object has a rigidbody but it is not kinematic.

Support / Help with animated sprite collision
« on: August 25, 2013, 09:16:29 pm »

I am making a beat 'em up game and am having some issues with collision of the animated sprites. I have a kick animation set up with a box collider in 3 of the 12 frames which is used to represent the attack collider. I have an empty game object with a box collider attached to the animated sprite as a child object to represent the hitbox. When I place two animated sprites next to each other and trigger the kick animation no collisions are registered. However, if I trigger the kick animation while translating one of the characters into the other then the collision is registered. Any advice? I have a script attached to the animated sprites which just has a call of OnCollisionEnter that writes "test" to the debug log.

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