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Messages - tobia88

Pages: [1]
Support / Is tk2d not compatible with EasyTouch 3.1?
« on: February 13, 2014, 06:34:30 am »
I cant trigger the touch event of EasyTouch! I've already set up the collider and make sure layer is able to selected by EasyTouch, but i still cant touch the sprite of 2dToolkit.

In urgent, wish to have response asap.

Anyway, 2dtoolkit is best 2d plugin that i have been used before, thanks for the creator :)

Support / Re: How to disable ui multi touch?
« on: December 02, 2013, 06:00:45 am »
I'm using 2dtoolkit for education application development, it's really an awsome plugin for making a 2d view application in unity!

There are few buttons displayed on the screen, and my major bug is when i'm touching setting button and restore button in the same time, they both triggered! I had set Unity default api Input.multiTouchEnabled to false and make sure tk2duimanager is not using multi touch, but the issue cant be solved.

Support / How to disable ui multi touch?
« on: December 01, 2013, 06:48:28 am »
I'm pretty new in 2dtoolkit, now i have an issue while i'm managing my buttons, i have made sure the Use Multi Touch check box in tk2dUIManager is unchecked, but i found the button is still trigger multi touched on my iPad, i need help!! :'(

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