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Messages - Dwel

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Getting 3 draw calls per object
« on: September 07, 2013, 10:03:10 pm »
Gah! Wow, I feel rather silly now. Many thanks for that!  :-[

Support / Getting 3 draw calls per object
« on: September 07, 2013, 07:38:29 pm »
I'm trying to display a hex grid and I'm running into a huge number of draw calls. For the grid I'm essentially creating a number of hexagons, each being a prefab. The prefab is simply a tk2d sprite with a texture on it and an altered collision to fit the hexagon shape.

Each prefab instance runs for 3 draw calls. If I disable the mesh renderer, it drops to 2 draw calls. When drawing more than one hexagon, all the mesh renderer draw calls are being batched, but not those 2 other draw calls, which are duplicated for each instance.

I have no idea what those 2 draw calls are. Any advice on this?

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