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Messages - howlomogo

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: TileMap Prefabs
« on: September 27, 2013, 11:06:42 am »
Awesome Thanks. I'll leave my SpriteCollections alone for the time being ;D

Support / Re: TileMap Prefabs
« on: September 27, 2013, 10:31:28 am »
I'm using 2.2 final.

Support / Re: TileMap Prefabs
« on: September 27, 2013, 07:02:18 am »
Seems the tile prefab is reset to defaults if I make any changes to the SpriteCollection they are in.

Is this normal or have I set something up wrong? :o

Support / TileMap Prefabs
« on: September 27, 2013, 05:53:50 am »
Hi There,

I have a problem where my Tilemap Prefab values keep resetting to the values of the default prefab. They seem to stay for a while after changing them but will randomly reset to default.

For example I have a Turret Prefab which has public variables of speed, distance etc. In my default prefab they are 0,0 but these are changed for every instance on tilemap, So in the Tilemap renderer where the prefabs are I set the values to the appropriate values such as 7,8. They work fine but after a while they reset back to 0,0 without having changed anything on the original prefab.

I have used the Tilemap data to select a prefab on a certain tile(I haven't added anything to String, Int, Float and Enable prefab offset is unchecked). Then I just paint them in and changed their public variables via the Tilemap renderer data to change the values.

I am quite new to using unity so I'm not sure if I'm missing something or if the Tilemap prefabs can't have different values.

Any help would be appreciated.


Pages: [1]