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Messages - hasean

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: BoxCollider2d and tilemap mesh collider
« on: February 15, 2014, 12:58:12 pm »
Solved. You need to choose 2d physics in sprite collection settings.

Support / BoxCollider2d and tilemap mesh collider
« on: February 15, 2014, 11:58:59 am »
Hello. My character with RigidBody2D and BoxCollider2D falls through tilemap mesh collider. Though using 3D box collider with character works good. I've tried to use different types of colliders in Sprite collection settings but nothing works. Pls advice.

Support / Re: tk2dUITime.deltaTime problem
« on: September 20, 2013, 11:17:27 am »
Seems that solves the problem. But what about setting that were in tk2dCamera?

Support / Re: tk2dUITime.deltaTime problem
« on: September 20, 2013, 10:56:23 am »
I use your tk2dCamera and it is hooked up in uimanager. Do you suggest to remove this camera, create unity usual camera nad attach tk2dUICamera to it and delete uimanager? Am i right?

Support / Re: tk2dUITime.deltaTime problem
« on: September 20, 2013, 10:25:53 am »
Yes, when scene reloads Gameobject with tk2dUIManager duplicates. After adding Destroy(this); GameObject still duplicates but without tk2dUIManager.cs component and UI Buttons stop working... :(

Support / tk2dUITime.deltaTime problem
« on: September 20, 2013, 08:23:30 am »
Hello. I'm using AnimateShowWindow() in my project. That function also call coTweenTransformTo() where calculates the speed of transforming using tk2dUITime.deltaTime.
At first scene start everything works great, the problem begins after load new or reload scene.
For ex: First scene start, my player reached finish collider and a window with totals appears in 0.5f at this moment tk2dUITime.deltaTime equals ~0.013 and everything is ok. Then I press retry button and scene reloads with Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedlevel) at this moment tk2dUITime.deltaTime still equals ~0.013, then my player get in collision with finish collider again, and at this moment tk2dUITime.deltaTime become equals ~1-9, and window with totals appears very very very slowly.
Dear 2dToolKit team pls advise. Of course I can replace tk2dUITime.deltaTime with 0.013f, i tried it and it works good, but i'm not sure this is professional solving the problem.

Pages: [1]