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Messages - olfreld

Pages: [1]
Support / Triggering animations with values
« on: October 01, 2013, 01:58:24 pm »
Hello guys!
I'm currently programming a simple game that activates a series of animations. These animations should not be triggered by hitting keys but by a series of "values" that are generated with another program. The goal is to compare two values and if one is higher than the other, animation 1 is played. Animation 2 is played if the values are decreasing (to keep it simple). If the value exceeds a certain point, a third animation shoud be played.
 I've finished all the animations I need and created them successfully.
I just have troubles to write the script, that activates them depending on my "values". Could someone give me some tipps how to implement this into a script?

Thanks a lot!

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