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Messages - MariusVE

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Error with 2D Toolkit v2.2.3
« on: October 18, 2013, 08:51:08 am »
Thank you for your prompt help and for a great tool.

Support / Re: Error with 2D Toolkit v2.2.3
« on: October 17, 2013, 10:28:20 pm »
That's the fix I have actually used myself but wasn't sure what the consequences in the long run would be. :)

I am using 4.0.0f7.

Support / Error with 2D Toolkit v2.2.3
« on: October 17, 2013, 07:22:03 pm »

I have purchased 2D Toolkit today (version 2.2.3) and after importing it in Unity, I have received the following error:

Assets/TK2DROOT/tk2d/Editor/Fonts/tk2dFontEditor.cs(165,60): error CS0117: `UnityEngine.TextureFormat' does not contain a definition for `RGBA4444'

I am using Unity 3D Pro v4.0.

Is there a solution for this ?


Support / Re: Texture2D realtime modification
« on: October 14, 2013, 11:53:54 am »
Thank you so much for your help!

Support / Re: Texture2D realtime modification
« on: October 14, 2013, 11:21:57 am »
Hi Unikronsoftware,

Thank you for your prompt reply. I do own Unity3D Pro so my question is this:

 - Would it be more efficient to use your tilemap system or should I be using Render Textures ?

Thank you!

Support / Texture2D realtime modification
« on: October 14, 2013, 10:58:34 am »
Hi All,

I would like to start using 2D Toolkit but before I purchase it, I was wondering if my scenario is somehow compatible with it.

I will be working on a game where the player will be able to "dig" into the terrain. This will be a 2D game so in terms of that, I am sure 2D Toolkit is the right fit for me.

However, as I mentioned above, the nature of the game requires me to modify a Texture2D in real time as the player "digs" through it.

In order to simulate the digging effect, my idea is to set the alpha channels of the pixels where the player is digging to fully transparent. I know that SetPixel/GetPixel is really slow so my idea is to break up the main background Texture2D into multiple other Texture2Ds (kind of having a bunch of tiles that make up the whole background Texture2D) and only do SetPixel/GetPixel/Texture.Apply on the affected Texture2Ds (i.e., where the player is digging.) The game will run on mobile platforms so, indeed, performance is important.

Can 2D Toolkit help with this scenario or is it at least "compatible" with something like this ? (i.e., combine Texture2Ds with 2D Toolkit sprites, etc.)

If you guys have any other ideas how to implement this in an efficient manner, I would really appreciate if you'd tell me. :) I was thinking about a shader but I need to actually modify the Texture itself because I need to run an "edge-detection" algorithm on it in order to create colliders so that I can have stuff fall through the dug out paths....

Thank you!

Pages: [1]