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Messages - Henrikc3

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Support / Lighting, tilemaps and sprites
« on: December 04, 2013, 07:12:56 pm »
Hey guys,

Working on a top down 2.5d game where I use 2dtoolkit. My backgrounds are all made using the tilemap, and I'm using sprites as characters, while the environment is setup with 3d objects.

What I'm wondering is how to make the sprites in the tilemap react to light/darkness. Currently the sprites are showing up perfectly lit, no matter what the rendered light is.

I'd like it to be black if there is no light, so I can put in different lights, and also possibly a flashlight on the main character.

Any suggestions on where to continue my search would be very welcome.

Thanks for reading!

Best regards,

Thank you for the swift answer :)

And I'll look into the ImageMagick!

Hey guys,

I'm very new to working with 2d textures, and am currently stompd by two issues. (Have searched forums and internet)
1. How may I remove color around sprites in 2d toolkit when making a tilemap and the files have a greenish color around them. (Hoping there is an alternative to opening every sprite manually and removing the transparent color in PS)

2. When creating tilemaps, 2d toolkit does not seem to be removing duplicates. I'm creating the tilemap out of spritesheets, and on the spritesheets there is a lot of the previously mentioned greenish color between each sprite. After "config"ing the sprite sheet and cutting it into pieces, there are sooooo many pieces with only the greenish color (100+) and hoping there again is another option except for me going in and deleting them manually (about 3 clicks per green tile)

Thanks for reading, and hope you are able to help!


Searched the internet, forums, and the FAQ section without finding the answers. If I somehow missed them, please point me in the right direction :)

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