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Messages - Prideravanok

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Auto Tiles?
« on: June 06, 2014, 12:54:06 am »
I understand,thank you.

Support / Re: Auto Tiles?
« on: June 03, 2014, 03:04:45 pm »
I would be very grateful!

Support / Auto Tiles?
« on: June 03, 2014, 01:05:20 am »
Hey there i am making a top down 2d rpg. I am proud to be using 2dtoolkit to aid me in this venture. My problem is. I HATE tiling. Corners etc.. WIll take forever! time i could be spending making epic monkey bazookas.

Is it possible to make the the map auto corner itself? or give the pallet some sort of option to know which corner belongs to it so i can draw a curvy road freely. Without the tedious click, *look for corner* click, *wrong corner* undo, *look for corner* click.

Thanks in advance!

Support / Top-Down Direction help, (combat system)
« on: December 22, 2013, 09:14:42 pm »
Hello, Need some help on how to go about making a top down direction(North,Northeast,South,etc)  system.

Used to aim attacks, and spawn skills to then shoot in said direction. preferably using character controller, and unity 2d's x and y coordinates no z. Not sure if that is relevant.

Any tip would be helpful, thank you in advance.

Support / Re: Few Questions or requests.
« on: November 11, 2013, 05:28:29 pm »
Thank you so much.

Support / Few Questions or requests.
« on: October 27, 2013, 09:22:24 pm »
Hello, First Love the toolkit, Well worth every penny. I am new to unity and i got it in hopes of making 2d games. So i am very grateful and very newb. Please bare with me.


1) Is there a movement demo? Or a built in asset to aid us with this. Topdown movement as well as side scrolling movement. (If not it would be great to have an example)

2)Sprite fliping with FlipX flips my little guy off his player controller and hes able to hide behind the tiles in the map.. Is there a better way to sprite flip?

3)alot of artist and sprite sheets i have commissioned and come by have all the animations in 1 sheet. However i notice the sprite collection is able to split the whole sheet. My question here is. Can i use the sprite collection to make an animation?

4) I got my toolkit this month however its telling me i cannot download an update. Did i do something wrong?

Pages: [1]