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Messages - Jodacola

Pages: [1]
Thanks!  :)

Hi!  Perhaps this is my lack of experience in regard to 2D Toolkit speaking, but I'm a bit confused about something.

I'm using a standard orthographic tk2dCamera.

I have a sprite (we'll call it Sprite A) that moves horizontally, at the default rotation.  Sprite A, at some point, moves through another sprite (Sprite B).  Sprite B is rotated 45 degrees, and is on the same plane as Sprite A.

What I was expecting to happen was that Sprite B would be intersected in the middle by Sprite A, giving the impression that Sprite A is flying "through" Sprite B.  Instead, Sprite B is always on top of Sprite A, even though half of it is, in 3D space, behind Sprite A.  Here's an illustration:

Is this expected behavior?  I'm sure I've left out some critical information, so let me know if I can provide anything else.  I can also put together a small test project, if necessary.

Thank you!

Pages: [1]