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Messages - PKrawczynski88

Pages: [1]

I will take a closer look tommorow whats going on as I really want to use new gui and tk2d but choosing between those 2 would be just heartbreaking.

Are you entirely sure this is the only reason?
Do you want me to create custom project to show issue if you dont have time yourself?

Sorry for double asking but tk2d is still best tool for a lot of 2d stuff inside unity.

When you use new canvas object and set it to use screen space - worldspace instead of overlay, buttons wont register any kind of events (hover or click).
Its easily fixable by creating a new scene and copying default unity camera from there to scene containing 2dtoolkit camera.

Its easily reproducable, could you maybe fix it?
Screen space overlay works fine (I think) but there are moments where it would be very helpfull to display UI over normal worldspace.

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