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Messages - bottler0cket

Pages: [1]
Aha! That did it! Very strange incident, but the 2DTK reset editor sizes remedied it.

Thanks for the help :)

Support / Tile Map Sprite Collection Unity Buttons Stretched/Unresponsive
« on: December 11, 2013, 03:40:56 am »
Hello. I'm pretty new to Unity and 2D Toolkit, so I'm not sure if this is a Unity problem or a 2D Toolkit problem, but hopefully I can get some help with this.

I'm following the 2D Toolkit documentation on tile maps, and everything works until I need to drag and drop my tiles into the sprite collection as a sprite sheet.

The Edit button is stretched off screen, and once I set the parameters for tile width and height I can't go back to edit it anymore, and I can't click commit.

Afterwards, I can't set the sprite collection for the tile map, getting an error that the collection has no sprites.

Does anyone know what causes this? Screen shots below:

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